Something ridiculously exciting on your mind?

If you’re ready for a new class of digital marketing, and have some exciting, nerve-racking, might we say ridiculous growth plans or revenue/sales targets, we should have coffee – our shout! Interested? Keep reading.

There are over 4 Million cities in the world. Of those, we chose lovely Ōtautahi Christchurch as our home.

We love Christchurch. We love its businesses, its people. Even its winters! To bits.

And we love digital. Especially when it gets technical.

We understand the importance of being found online by those looking for you and those who ‘should’ be.

And we love ridiculous ideas. We love that all remarkable achievements in the world started with an idea that most people found ridiculous.

We take pride in making ridiculous ideas come to life.

We hate fluff. We hate templates. We hate when agencies pass the buck on to the client instead of making sure what needs doing gets done. We hate taking clients and their budgets (no matter how big or small) for granted. We hate mediocre, ‘just-okay’ quality of work. And we hate industry jargon – with a passion.

With an aircraft-engineer-turned marketer and a banker-turned-strategist as our founders, you can rest assured that we love quality, precision, performance, and hair-raising-growth targets as much as you do. And that we partner with you because we respect your business, your money, your ambitions, and, quite simply, you.

Ridiculous Digital was created with one sole purpose. To partner with Ōtautahi’s and Aotearoa’s businesses helping them to reach their peak potential. And in turn, for our team to exercise its own peak digital, technical and marketing potential. Peak. Nothing less will do.

How we make this happen? By staying ahead of the curve, by anticipating changes to the digital landscape before they appear on the horizon, by investing time, effort and energy in technologies, trends and platforms that are sure to move the needle for your business. By focusing on depth, which results in growth, which results in visibility, revenue and profitability for you. By not taking anything for granted.

Our Services? In a single sentence, we help you get found on the internet. Anywhere. This includes Google, Bing, Yahoo, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok.

Digital in its ever-changing shapes, sizes, and flavours – that is our thing.

Now, how about that coffee, eh?